Tractores en la Diagonal

Pues sí ya se fueron los tractores, al menos de BCN, la verdad es que a nivel atasco tampoco es que hubiera gran diferencia con lo habitual, pero eso sí resultaba más pintoresco.  Hacía tiempo que no se veían tanta … Continúa leyendo Tractores en la Diagonal

The true Barcelona skyline

ESPAÑOL Some will say the sacred family, others the Mapfre tower and its twin, Montjuic or Collserola and the Foster tower. Nothing. The true skyline of Barcelona is on the other side of the Besos river. To know what the true skyline of a place is, nothing like approaching it or at least trying it by sea. From the time we were out there aboard a sailboat with three kids that happened before the GPS. I remember an occasion that we had to return from Mallorca, specifically from Sòller, in the old way that is, with the Polar as a guide … Continúa leyendo The true Barcelona skyline

After the pain – Barcelona

Find the seven differences game, in fact there is only one. The top photo appears yesterday on the Royal House, Mariano Rajoy and Pedro Sánchez twitter accounts, the other one was published by the majority of media, especially Catalan. Nothing is casual, neither above nor below. More samples from different media. full image   Who is right? Who has the right? No one has the truth, but everyone thinks they have it. And that’s how things are now See you.   // (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Continúa leyendo After the pain – Barcelona